176-bit "Zuchongzhi" quantum computing cloud platform online...
DIYuan | 2023-06-01 19:40
【数据猿导读】 176-bit "Zuchongzhi" quantum computing cloud platform online

On May 31, under the guidance of the Institute of Quantum Information and Quantum Science and Technology Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and with the technical support of the Institute of Software of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and CEC 16, KUODA Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. together with Arc Light Quantum and other partners released a new generation of quantum computing cloud platform, accessing the same 176-bit superconducting computer "Zuchongzhi". Quantum computer. This is not only a new record for the number of bits of superconducting quantum computers in China's cloud platform, but also the first international quantum computing cloud platform with the potential of quantum superiority in the superconducting quantum route and open to the public.