Baidu Wenxin Yiyan Enterprise Service Internal Test Demo Exposure...
【数据猿导读】 On April 24, it was learned from an email sent by Baidu to customers that Baidu had previously launched an internal test of Wenxin Yiyan enterprise service. ...

On April 24, it was learned from an email sent by Baidu to customers that Baidu had previously launched an internal test of Wenxin Yiyan enterprise service. Judging from the exposed demos, Wenxinyiyan’s corporate services will take the lead in covering corporate office, travel services, e-commerce services, government services, financial services and other scenarios in the future. It can realize PPT production, document generation, as well as travel itinerary planning, booking and Adjustment, e-commerce delivery script generation, digital human live broadcast, financial information retrieval and investment proposal generation, etc.